

Добавлено: 20.04.2023, 16:15, Обновлено: 20.04.2023, 16:15

Animal Vaccines Market

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Animal Vaccines Market is poised to value USD 21990 million by 2028 end at a CAGR of 9.3% during the forecast period 2022 to 2028.
Animal vaccinations prevent disease transmission, protecting both animal and human health, which is critical given the public's reliance on animals. Animals provide food, meat, milk, protein, and other commercial items such as leather and wool. Rabies vaccinations, foot and mouth disease vaccines, and equine influenza virus vaccines are the most often used veterinary vaccines, which inhibit the transfer of infectious pathogens by replicating naturally acquired immunity.
For more info: https://www.futurewiseresearch.com/healthcare-market-research/Animal-Vaccines-Market/14772
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